Sunday, June 28, 2015



Ok, so I'm sure you're all wondering where I've been for the past several (ughhhh homework! Plus it's soon far away! And then I had finals! And then I went to prom, which was so fun but finding a dress took forever!!!!!), cheer, track (yes, I joined the track team!), drivers ed (it has been alllllll summer so far!!!....thank goodness I finished on friday! But now I have to do 36 hrs of practice time...ugggggg! hahaha at least I got my permit! yay!), our crazy busy summer schedule, just life in general, and MANY other things (I won't list them all lol that would be painful!) have kept my VERY busy!! I haven't even posted since January!!! And it's the end of June!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so bad!!!! 

HOWEVER, since the beginning of summer, I decided to make a photography blog for all of the random pictures I take......I made a tumblr blog, just for the sake of trying it after hearing that it was the easiest blog app to use (ugggggg the blogger app is terrible! and don't even get me started on wordpress!!!!!! so confusing and a little too complicated.). After trying it out, I realized that I REALLY liked it, so I made a "test" blog to see if I wanted to replace my current one (here on blogspot). I posted to the test blog ALL THE TIME!!!! It was crazy! Plus unlike wordpress, I could post as many pics as I wanted (for FREE! no limit!) and I could personalize my theme (background, font, colors, etc.) waaaaayyyy more than I could on wordpress, for FREEEEEEE (I'll never understand why wordpress makes you buy all the stuff!)!!! As for blogger, the app is TERRIBLE!!!!!!! (if you're wondering why I care so much about the app(s), it's because there's a better chance of me blogging if I have an app because I can blog ANYWHERE, and I don't have to have wifi or drag a big, heavy computer around.) Now, back to blogger.....Blogger is just....hard. I can't do it from my phone, when I write, I feel like I have to post a LOT because of such a big white space and the overall format of creating a post (and that makes me nervous and makes me not want to do it, so I don't post as much), I'm bad at typing on a computer so everything takes twice as long as it would if I was typing on a phone, and the overall format of blogger (and even wordpress)  is just not as simple as tumblr.

Sooooooo long, painful story short, I'm moving to tumblr!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check it out!!!! (look below for more info!)

You can find my new tumblr blog here, or you can go to!!!! Do whatever suits your fancy:) 

I've put so much work into this blog, and here I am, moving it!!! It makes me sad, but I know that the benefit will be greater than the sacrifice (the benefit being that I can post more stuff more often, and the sacrifice being mostly giving up this blog and losing all of my posts, etc.....of course I can look back at them, but not having them on my new blog makes me so sad!)

I've put lots of work and effort into making my new blog. I have yet to post to it, because I was sad thinking that I was "making it official," so I decided to announce my big move before posting. I put a lot of thought and prayer into it. I prayed a lot to ask God if He wanted me keep blogging; I feel like it's my ministry and calling right now. With my busy life, I hardly have time to sit down and write a blog post, much less do it while I'm inspired to write something (if you don't feel like it or have no inspiration to write, you'll end up staring at a blank post for an hour, trust me!!!). I still felt called to blog but I just don't have the time to sit down at my computer and do it. With each passing day, I found myself getting more and more behind, getting myself deeper and deeper into this never ending hole. I was at the point where I needed to choose: either I had to quit all together, or change something. I was reminded of when I tried to move to wordpress to fix this problem at the beginning, and how badly my temporary fix failed. I didn't know if this would end the same epic (and embarrassing) failure. In order to try to avoid this, I gave my self at least one month (apparently it takes about a month to make a habit) to make my "test" blog, to see if I would actually keep up with blogging on tumblr......and to my relief, I was blogging all the time! It made me so happy because I knew that God still wanted this for me.

Thank you for even still reading my blog! I'm so bad at keeping up with it throughout my crazy and extremely busy life. I know I already tried to "half" move it to wordpress, and now here I go again, moving it to a whole new site!!!! But I know that this will make things better......moving is definitely better than not blogging at all!!!!! And to top it all off, I think God put tumblr on my heart to help give me a second chance at doing what He wants me to do (which is living out my special ministry to keep blogging). Thank you all for your patience and support. And thank you for reading this long and probably painful to read post:) lol lol lol!!!!! I love you all so much!

Please check out my new blog! I need a second chance as a blogger;) and this time I'm pretty sure things will go well! 


P.S.- oh and if you wanna check out my photography blog (aka "quality account," as listed above in the picture of my personal, aka "carefree" account....also as listed above in the pic of my new tumblr terms. haha so weird), you can find it here, OR you can go to

Thanks again!!!!! Love y'all! See you soon (on tumblr!!!!!)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lava Lamp

I can't stop watching this video! I don't know why! It just makes me so happy:)

Hope you like it!

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy New Year! 

I can't believe its already 2015! Hope you all have a wonderful day and an amazing new year!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Mmmmmmmerrrrrrrry Christmas! And happy birthday Baby Jesus!!!!!!

Hope your Christmas is amazing and full of countless blessings!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Spirit

This is so true! I LOVE this quote!!! :)

Yay! Christmas is coming!!!! And it's almost here!!!!

I'm getting in the Christmas spirit!!! What about you?!?! I already put up the mini tree in my room, and we decorated our house! I just made my 2014 Christmas playlist, and I'm sitting here by the fire blogging and jamming to Christmas tunes! 

Hope you're all having a wonderful Advent season as we prepare for the coming of Christ:)

Happy Advent:)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

2nd Annual Fall Photo Shoot

Hey! Sorry for the delay! Here are all of the photos I promised to post from my 2nd annual fall photo shoot! Hope you like them!

This is definitely one of my faves:)

This one too:)

This tree is soon pretty! It's like a giant rainbow tree!!! :) :) :)

gotta love combat boots

My backyard is totally covered with leaves!!!!



Love the yellow pretty:)

more leaves:)

Combat boots...again!

bright red!

If I could make a wish....I would wish that fall could last forever....and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and- :) I think you get the picture:)

have a lovely day!

Thanksgiving 2014

Happy Thanksgiving! and Happy my friend Tommy says:)

I know you're all busy doing family things, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm extremely thankful for all of you!!!!! 

Have a blessed day:)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

Happy Halloween!

This year, I decided to go as a hobo!

haha lol!

Hope your Halloween is spook-tacular! :)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Homecoming 2014: The Dance!

The homecoming dance was AMAZING!!!!! I had the BEST TIME EVER!!!

After I got my hair and makeup done...

Haha I made a goal to give up soda until homecoming! It was a long, hard three weeks, but it just made my slurpee taste ten-billion times better when I finally got to drink one today!

Silly selfie!

I truly felt like a princess... thanks mom, for giving me the amazing blessing of me getting my hair and make up done! :)

another silly selfie...hehe

I was sooooooooo nervous! I was taking selfies to distract myself while I waited for my date, Matt, to pick me up:)


At dinner...

Me and Matt at the restaurant

Me and my friend Tess:)

Everyone at the restaurant! 

Me and Matt


Time for the DANCE!!!!!

My friend Lauren and I....isn't her dress sooooo sparkly?

Josie, Claire, and me!

Me and Claire-Bear:)

oh yeah!

Lauren and Cara

Another usie!

and another....cuz you can NEVER have too many:)

Me and my friends, Jimmy, Josie, Heather, and Hannah

Me, Hannah, Kate, Heather, and Jimmy:)

Me and Sarah


Me, Luke, Roch, and Sarah

Me heather and Josie... Heather is doing the "Freshman gang symbol" that my class made up:)

McKennan, Tommy, and me!

Heather, Josie, Jimmy, Matt, and me:)

Me, Sarah, and Lauren

Sarah, Lauren, Claire, Anthony, Carolina, Leslie, Lydia, and me!

Leslie, Tess, Lauren, Anthony, and me:)

We had such a great time together!!!! Miss ya'll already and can't wait for Hoco 2015!

Friday, October 10, 2014

"I Thirst for You."

This made me cry....actually it made me bawl! So beautiful...

It is true. I stand at the door of your heart, day and night. Even when you are not listening, even when you doubt it could be Me, I am there. I await even the smallest sign of your response, even the least whispered invitation that will allow Me to enter.
And I want you to know that whenever you invite Me, I do come – always, without fail. Silent and unseen I come, but with infinite power and love, and bringing the many gifts of My Spirit. I come with My mercy, with My desire to forgive and heal you, and with a love for you beyond your comprehension – a love every bit as great as the love I have received from the Father ("As much as the Father has loved me, I have loved you…" (Jn. 15:10) I come - longing to console you and give you strength, to lift you up and bind all your wounds. I bring you My light, to dispel your darkness and all your doubts. I come with My power, that I might carry you and all your burdens; with My grace, to touch your heart and transform your life; and My peace I give to still your soul.
I know you through and through. I know everything about you. The very hairs of your head I have numbered. Nothing in your life is unimportant to Me. I have followed you through the years, and I have always loved you – even in your wanderings. I know every one of your problems. I know your needs and your worries. And yes, I know all your sins. But I tell you again that I love you – not for what you have or haven’t done – I love you for you, for the beauty and dignity My Father gave you by creating you in His own image. It is a dignity you have often forgotten, a beauty you have tarnished by sin. But I love you as you are, and I have shed My Blood to win you back. If you only ask Me with faith, My grace will touch all that needs changing in your life, and I will give you the strength to free yourself from sin and all its destructive power.
I know what is in your heart – I know your loneliness and all your hurts – the rejections, the judgments, the humiliations, I carried it all before you. And I carried it all for you, so you might share My strength and victory. I know especially your need for love – how you are thirsting to be loved and cherished. But how often have you thirsted in vain, by seeking that love selfishly, striving to fill the emptiness inside you with passing pleasures – with the even greater emptiness of sin. Do you thirst for love? "Come to Me all you who thirst…" (Jn. 7: 37). I will satisfy you and fill you. Do you thirst to be cherished? I cherish you more than you can imagine – to the point of dying on a cross for you.
I Thirst for You. Yes, that is the only way to even begin to describe My love for you. I THIRST FOR YOU. I thirst to love you and to be loved by you – that is how precious you are to Me. I THIRST FOR YOU. Come to Me, and I will fill your heart and heal your wounds. I will make you a new creation, and give you peace, even in all your trials I THIRST FOR YOU. You must never doubt My mercy, My acceptance of you, My desire to forgive, My longing to bless you and live My life in you. I THIRST FOR YOU. If you feel unimportant in the eyes of the world, that matters not at all. For Me, there is no one any more important in the entire world than you. I THIRST FOR YOU. Open to Me, come to Me, thirst for Me, give me your life – and I will prove to you how important you are to My Heart.
Don’t you realize that My Father already has a perfect plan to transform your life, beginning from this moment? Trust in Me. Ask Me every day to enter and take charge of your life. – and I will. I promise you before My Father in heaven that I will work miracles in your life. Why would I do this? Because I THIRST FOR YOU. All I ask of you is that you entrust yourself to Me completely. I will do all the rest.
Even now I behold the place My Father has prepared for you in My Kingdom. Remember that you are a pilgrim in this life, on a journey home. Sin can never satisfy you, or bring the peace you seek. All that you have sought outside of Me has only left you more empty, so do not cling to the things of this life. Above all, do not run from Me when you fall. Come to Me without delay. When you give Me your sins, you gave Me the joy of being your Savior. There is nothing I cannot forgive and heal; so come now, and unburden your soul.
No matter how far you may wander, no matter how often you forget Me, no matter how many crosses you may bear in this life; there is one thing I want you to always remember, one thing that will never change. I THIRST FOR YOU – just as you are. You don’t need to change to believe in My love, for it will be your belief in My love that will change you. You forget Me, and yet I am seeking you every moment of the day – standing at the door of your heart and knocking. Do you find this hard to believe? Then look at the cross, look at My Heart that was pierced for you. Have you not understood My cross? Then listen again to the words I spoke there – for they tell you clearly why I endured all this for you: "I THIRST…"(Jn 19: 28). Yes, I thirst for you – as the rest of the psalm – verse I was praying says of Me: "I looked for love, and I found none…" (Ps. 69: 20). All your life I have been looking for your love – I have never stopped seeking to love you and be loved by you. You have tried many other things in your search for happiness; why not try opening your heart to Me, right now, more than you ever have before.
Whenever you do open the door of your heart, whenever you come close enough, you will hear Me say to you again and again, not in mere human words but in spirit. "No matter what you have done, I love you for your own sake Come to Me with your misery and your sins, with your troubles and needs, and with all your longing to be loved. I stand at the door of your heart and knock. Open to Me, for I THIRST FOR YOU…"

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Hoco Dress Shopping!

Today, my mom and I went homecoming dress shopping! I think we finally found "the dress!" I'm sooooooo excited! Its taking everything in me not to just post a pic of it! But don't worry, you'll get to see it in my hoco pics! :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Last Day of Summer!!!

School starts tomorrow! I'm so excited, but also nervous:) I know that I will love it though! I also can't believe that I'm starting HIGHSCHOOL!

Please pray for me tomorrow!

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Feast of the Assumption

Happy feast of the Assumption!!!! 

Hope you all have a lovely day!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Me and Izzy

Madi and Izzy!
(Summer 2014)

My amazing friend Isabella and I had a total girls day today! And yesterday…but it wasn't as girly of a day, tubing and surfing:) We had the best time together! Today, we got manicures and went to the mall! We had sooooooooo much fun, shopping, visiting, and of course, laughing! Me and Izzy have been friends since kindergarden, and we have so many great memories together, and tons of inside jokes!


Isabella's nails!

My nails!

Afterwards, we went to the mall and had a WONDERFUL time! Unfortunately, we didn't take any pics, but we made some great memories together!!!!! One really funny and very coincidental thing that happened was that we both wore the same kind of bracelet (in different colors) with our nicknames on them…..but both of our nicknames were spelled wrong! Also, we both got them from two different people who happened to buy them and bring them back as gifts from Mexico! It just makes me laugh that we both had the same bracelet, from the same place, that we both got as gifts, with our nicknames on them, and both of them had our names spelled wrong!!!!! 

Twinzies! ;)

Yesterday, we went tubing and surfing! It was so much fun! We are soooooooooo sooooooo sore though! It was quite the workout! lol! I don't have any pics from that either, but it was still super fun! Izzy even surfed for the first time ever, and got up on her second try! We had so much fun, trying not to fly off of the tube and die, and trying to see who could stay on the longest:)

I had so much fun with you, Izzy! Cant wait to hang out again! Miss ya, girly!!!