Here are 3 legitimate fears that I have, and how they became fears. This is one of the things that I found on "The List of Things to Blog About," or just "The List." At the bottom of this post, you'll find the link to my post that has The List on it, if you have not already read it (you may want to read it before you read this).
Anyways, here they are:
Fear #1: I'm scared of loosing my faith. I am seriously afraid that someday, I will loose my faith. I am not planning on it, and I'm not doubting anything, but I have this fear that someday I will not believe anymore. That is one of the reasons why I absolutely can't wait for my confirmation! I want to be strong and on fire for my faith. How did I get this fear? I don't know for sure. But it's probably just seeing how the world is today and all of the evil things in it, and knowing that as time goes on, it will only get worse. It seriously scares me to think about the way the world will be in the future, and what I will have to deal with.
Fear #2: I'm scared of being scared. I know that sounds silly, but it's true. I never want to be afraid of anything, which is I know impossible. But I have this fear that I'll be afraid. I guess its similar to having "phobophobia," which is the fear of having a phobia. I get upset when I'm afraid to try something, such as riding a scary roller-coaster, because I want to be daring enough to do it. A lot of times, this fear is what gives me the strength to do something I'm scared to do, because I want to be able to say that I did it, and didn't chicken out. How did I get this fear? I guess I've always kind of had it. Nothing really started it. This fear is kind of a pain to have, because I can never say no to doing something scary without getting upset with myself. It's sort of a good thing, but at the same time, it could be dangerous. I guess part of my self-confidence is being confident and unafraid.
Fear #3: I'm scared of the devil. This kind of goes back to Fear #1. I'm afraid that he'll trick me into believing things that aren't true, or into loosing my faith. How did I get this fear? I've always kind of been afraid of the devil, but I think my fear got much worse the summer before 4th grade, when for my school's summer reading, I had to read the "Cure of Ars." The devil "haunted" St. John Vianny, and it freaked me out. I was up every night crying for a while, because I was so scared.
Well there you have it!
Here is the link back to the "List" post:
The List