Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Evian Babies" Videos

Heyyyyyyyyy friends! I just had to share these two funny videos. You know that water brand called "Evian?" Well they have these funny commercials for it, and I couldn't stop watching them! I watched them over and over and over and over and over again! Hope you like them :)

Isn't that funny? I love when the babies are doing the crazy flips and stuff! So funny!

Here's the second one.....this is my fave out of the two......I have no idea why! :) :) :)

Haha love it!!! 

What's really neat is how the video was made! Here is the making of "The Evian Babies: Baby and Me!" 

It's amazing how much work they put into making these videos! The process is crazy and complicated, and the result is only a few minutes! I mean think about it.....this probably took WEEKS to make! Anyways, I thought it was really cute and wanted to share it! Hope you enjoyed it!