Monday, July 21, 2014

The Pines Camp 2014

This year, I went to the Pines again! This is my third year, and I LOVE THE PINES!!!! It is a truly amazing camp, and I strongly encourage you to go sometime!!!!

Anyways, It was a blast! I had wonderful counselors, awesome cabin mates, grew closer to Christ, and had a great time! I went with my friends Olivia and Claire! Here is me with my cabin mates!

Hannah, Juliana, Emily, Aubrey, Fer (Fernanda), Olivia, Me, and Katie (My friend Claire was there too, but left before we could take this picture ☹)


(our cabin was named "St. Therese of Lisieux"....all of the cabins have saint names, so we made up this hashtag for our cabin☺)

Love ya girlies!!!! Miss you all a ton!