Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cool Crayon Craft

This is a super cool craft that one of my BFFs, Natalie taught me how to do.

Here is what you need:
  • canvas
  • hairdryer
  • crayons (make sure they are ones that you don't mind not using again. use new crayons if possible)
  • hot glue and hot glue gun
  • a space that can get a little bit messy......just in case :)

Here are the directions:

  • bring your supplies to your "get a little bit messy place"
  • put the glue in your hot glue gun and plug in. let it heat up
  • as quickly as you can, hot glue the crayons to the top of the canvas as high as you can without the backs of the crayons going off the top canvas, so the tip/side that you draw with facing downwards. glur them all the way across the top. try not to leave any space between each crayon. (tip: putting the crayons in rainbow order is an awesome way to do it! it makes it look so super cool!)
  • before the glue hardens, stand your canvas up so that the bottoms of the crayons are facing upwards.  plug in your hairdryer and turn it on. blow downwards on the crayons. the hairdryer will blow the wax down on the canvas. slowly move the hairdryer back and forth about an inch away from the canvas. 
  • once the glue alomost completely hardens, you can turn off your hairdryer.
  • clean up all of your supplies, except for the canvas with the crayons. leave it out to dry.
  • once it's dry, put it on display and enjoy!!!!!
Here is a picture of one:

Pinned Image

Here's another neat idea:

Isn't that so awesome-ly amazing?!?!