Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I am one of those people who can go through books faster than I can tell someone the title of it. One problem that I've always had with that, is the amount of time it actually takes to purchase the book. First of all, my mom likes to read about the book and see its reviews before I can read it.......which, trust me, is not a very fast process. Finding those things are pretty hard, because its really difficult to find a good website. I FINALLY found a good website where you can read book descriptions and reviews, called Goodreads! 

I love love love Goodreads, and I strongly recommend it to anyone looking for a good book. If you sign up (it's free!), you can give reviews, and depending on the book that you reviewed, you will be given recommendations for other books similar that you may find interesting! You can also share what you're reading with friends! It's truly an AWESOME website!

( and just so you know, for those of you with an electronic device, you can get the Goodreads app!)

I just wanted to share this with you all, just as someone shared it with me! I hope you like it!

(this link will take you to the Goodreads website: Goodreads)

(and you can follow me here: Madison L's Goodreads Profile)