Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Love My Readers/Followers!

Today, I was just checking the "stats" on my blog, and just happened to look at the audience from around the world for my blog.......and I was awe-struck at the number of people that had ever viewed  it, and lots of them weren't even from the United States! 174 people from Russia, 119 from Malaysia, 80 from Germany, 24 from the United Kingdom, 20 from France, 9 from Australia, Canada, China, and Ukraine, and not to mention, 1,756 people from the US!!! I was very happy to know that so many people (2,209 total) had actually viewed my blog! I was honored! I just want all of you who are reading this to know how thankful I am for you! I love you all! Thank you so much for even taking time out of you busy lives to look at my blog! I truly do appreciate my followers (private followers, too!) and my readers! 

Sometimes, I feel like giving up on this blog. I get frustrated, and I just don't feel inspired. I keep saying, "I can do it later..." or "Naaaaa not right now" and stuff like that. I just can't stop putting it off. Seeing this today made me feel so much better, and knowing that not only people from my country, but lots and lots of other people from all around the world read my blog, helped me to have that desire to never give up, which is something that I desperately needed.

So to thank you, I would like to dedicate this post just to you!

Like I said before....thank you! I love you guys! You are what keeps me going when I feel like giving up. From now on I will try to be better about posting least until I need to reassure myself like this again......☺