Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas is Coming!

I can't wait for Christmas! It's almost here! I'm sooooooooooooo excited! Did I mention that Christmas is coming and that I can't wait?!?!?!? I did? Well, then I bet you can't guess what else I'm excited about....... ☺ I'm excited that Christmas is coming and that it's almost here! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! EXCITEMENT!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! 

ok.........take a deep breath Madi.......thats it.......nice and slow........shhhhhh calm down.........OMGOSH!!!! CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what I look like when I'M SUPER EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Don't I look super adorable?!?!? Of course I do!!! Just kidding.....but I am pretty adorable! How can you say no to that adorable face on that lovely head that's wearing SANTA'S HAT!?!?!?!? Speaking of santa's hat well......I guess its more of a replica....its not really Santa's......but it looks like it! Works for me!!!!!! Anyways, speaking of Santa, guess what........CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!! Only two days, 10 and 1/2 hours, 12 seconds, and 23 milli-seconds!!!!! YAY!!!!!

Ok......I'm sorry. I kind of got carried away......BUT I'M SOOOOOOOO EXCITED BECAUSE CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!!!! is a special riddle made up by yours truly that I bet you can't figure out:

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because he was so excited that Christmas was coming (and that is was almost there!)

HA! Bet you didn't see that one coming! HA HA HA!!! I am smarter than you! Just kidding! But I have to admit that I am pretty smart......☺

Let's sing a Christmas carol!

"A Holly Jolly Christmas!"
(sing to the tune of "A Holly Jolly Christmas")

Have a holly jolly Christmas (....because it's almost here...)
It's the best time of the year (......yes it is! Told you so!)
I don't know if there'll be snow (...because I live in Texas...but there better be or else you'll feel my wrath!)
But have a cup of cheer (...or hot chocolate...cuz I don't know how to fill a cup with cheer...)

Have a holly jolly Christmas (......OMGOSH! IT'S ALMOST HERE!)
And when you walk down the street (...try not to slip on the ice...unless you live in Texas, cuz there won't be any! But there still better be! or you'll feel my wrath!)
Say, "Hello!" to friends you know (...or else they'll think your really rude...and they'll wonder why you ignored them...)
And everyone you meet! (...Not everyone though...because that would be kinda creepy...)

YAY!!!!!!! You are all amazing singers! But no one can beat my voice......"OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH" *crack* *crack* *glass shattering*
See?!?! I'm a natural!

Anywho, it was great getting excited about Christmas with you! We'll have to do it again next year, and the year after, and the year after, and the year after that one, and after that one, and.......well, you get the point☺

(please note: this post was written by Madison L. who wanted to let all of her readers know that she is very excited that Christmas is coming and that it is almost here. The "why did the chicken cross the road" joke/riddle is an original and was written by Madison L.)